Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Dear Jerry

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Prophecy Links

 -And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (soon by my research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com

They're All Coming

The Seven Vials, see here,

    -Hello Jerry, Apostle Bradford here, it wasn't until doing a dream, 06/26/2015, the end of Obama's two weeks and seven years timetable, 2008 into a pending Brexit, now this rise of Beast, (Rev. 13, also seen 2008), that was a demonstration of both the Brides rapture and America's exit to exodus. This extraordinary into revelation I've since deemed the moving to Georgia dreams, that's into the Southeast, it was doing this time. As escorted onto the escape vehicle, I vaguely looked and saw a departure date of September 23-25th as an estimated time of escape, so only two years past, is that I begin to realize the recent significance of the Revelation 12 sign and again this date.
     -As is so just a moment ago, 08/22/2017, I kept seeing these warnings about 40 days, concerning both Moses and Jesus, so I begin to calculate this number from 08/21, the day of Eclipse. Then to my amazement and now to yours I come to the end of the Intrepid Dream timetable these 15.10 years of October 2017. I know, you see doing Christmas night, 2001, I witnessed in a dream the weight and judgment of America or simply Western World Rule blood guiltiness, that weighed in at a whooping 190 months, see Eze.4, Dan.5. Rev. 11:1, 2. That's 190 months, 15.10 years, 2001-2017 until a deletion of 190 years that is only the beginning of God's judgment against them spinning us all into the last week of Daniel, meaning Obama's was the last of America's into World Rule timetable, hence the witness of Jesus' amazing Millennium following, not Trump's but Obama's.
    -I know, as I've been predicting these 31 springs, cataclysms one after another, all showing threatening activity right now for this purpose are targeting US soil, apostate Christianity, now infected with carnivorous beast. Frightfully along a death toll mention 2002 and here as lately as Trump's inauguration of 50 million, with an outbreak of said horrors beginning the Western seaboard, thus the moving to Georgia or Southeast dream, redeemed. So much so Jerry, even right now it's what Russia and their seismologist's are warning westerners regarding an alike evacuation. To our amazement, FEMA as well is warning, only it's not a state of emergency nor is it mandatory.
     -Though, how can it be? When their President is yet crying the deadliest of messages into a leaning into abomination, of  peace and safety, those knowing the word of God, Jerry know what's to follow such a declaration, what Apostle is prophesying right now, sudden destruction. They're all coming (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_HffjBYeyQ), I been forewarning for months lately, the Asians, the Yellowstones, the Nibiru's, just to name a few, the Pale horse judgment, with hell following I saw as an additional judgment the Intrepid dream as recorded here, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com; is also come, whose warnings have gone out as assuredly as these are the days of Noah. It would then seem, as an appearing to me Angel Gabriel 2004 forewarn all unto fulfillment into the seventh angel. The great gathering of Saints is only one of end time prophecies awaiting this September to October date.
     -Right until I asked myself this frightening, well right into the reminder, every biblical prophecy that has to be fulfilled prior to the last week of Daniel are speeding toward fruition right now, totally unstoppable. So with concern which could mean the 50 million death to soul toll, I as so witnessed as a funeral reef, tearing from handle bars. That's of it once greased over to disallowed China and Russia now tore into the heavens above again this American style, unforeseen toll on humans, could be more than prophetic, though predestined. All to explain Apostle warning, especially get out of the West, yes this present-day Moses exodus, as far as the Southeast. Apparently, America being completely desolated right into a complete exit, surely the little Miya girl, of refusing to face the harshest of realities, plainly seen, these wind to dust treasures to roomy sand castles. Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.escapetochristopher2017.blogspot.com

  Prophecy Links

     -And I Heard In My Hearing, The Lyrics singing In My Ears, "no winter cold, can stop me babe," (soon by my research, I would learn these lyrics are taken from the song, 'ain't no mountain high enough; to keep me from getting to you babe. Further meaning all those awaiting a spring rapture are to be reassured, He that promised and prophesied is faithful and trustworthy. That absolutely nothing this planet will prevent the Bridegroom of the Bride at this time, Stand)! Apb, www.thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot.com

They're All Coming

The Seven Vials, see here,

      -I want to encourage you, and persons efforting so, not to be weary in well doing, remember the masses Apostle John witness come out of great tribulation and of course Steve take my own advice. Doing the year of 2015,  I not only saw the fulfillment of the Antichrist, the Bride 's rise into the American exodus, the Bride now reigning in heaven, the release of the stone made without hands, deemed the Antichrist murderer. I witnessed the Lamb book of life open to both a roll call and a census taking. Also that we'd arrived, the dispensation end, thus the Church age and herein, whatever Western Civilization has come  to be since the days of the Roman Empire, now that's Revelation 18, Mystery.  Although Holy Spirits place me in a dream doing a meeting of world leaders whereas they described Obama plainly as "the one.
     -That doing his presidential campaign I had more visions and dreams about the rise of the Antichrist, right into those two beast, one from land, one from sea I did see, as recorded Revelation 13; dreams that went from me until Trump, (the Antichrist time to rise), Campaign. Even that Western Civilization will end even as Obama's declared two weeks and seven years administration, 2008-2015. Evenly Steve that since, 2016, I witnessed Jesus Millennium follow His, Obama's, only his American timetable was finished into the final week of Daniel. So even with all here that is evidence, don't be surprised when people have a hard time seeing Obama as the Antichrist, that even his blood lineage, I always said,  make him perfectly suspicious. How all this is more reassurance the gathering is upon us, as so His, this Antichrist reveal, I deem it's more timing than denial, so I still haven't, though this here's this evidence. Beware, Apb, see here, http://andburnherwithfire15.blogspot.com/2017/08/hello-jerry-apostle-bradford-here-it.html


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